"Baekgu Coração Branco” – um musical sul-coreano inspirado por um cão real - Parte 1/2 (em Coreano)   

The musical,"White Heart Baekgu," is based on the true story from South Korea of one Jindo Island dog named Baekgu. In the previous part of our presentation,we met a little girl named Sori, who found a lovely white dog and brought her him home. When the dog’s owner Mrs. Bengduk came looking for her dog, Whitey, Sori’s father offers to buy the dog from her. But just afterward, the children’s kind father passes away in an accident. The children manage to keep their beloved dog Baekgu, but soon, young Sori becomes very sick. She desperately needs medicine. Join us as we continue this children’s musical by Yeil Musical Company from South Korea.

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