Delicioso Mingau de Banana-da-Terra Camaronês (em bassa)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 plantains
Ground peanuts (powder)
Tofu Piece of hiomi bark
Red palm oil
2 teaspoons salt
Parsley, chopped for garnishing
Carrots, sliced for garnishing

  1. Peel the plantains and scrape them, and then cut them into pieces.
  2. Place the plantains in a pot.
  3. Add a bit of water into the pot, put the lid on, and let it boil for about 15 – 20 minutes.
  4. After 15 minutes or so, add the ground peanuts and then the tofu.
  5. Stir a bit with a cooking spoon.
  6. Add some more water if the water has reduced, and stir.
  7. Add in the salt, and stir.
  8. Add in the hiomi, and a bit more water, so the peanut can be well cooked.
  9. Wait for another 5 to 10 more minutes, and then add in the red palm oil. Stir.
  10. Wait for another 5 to 10 minutes, and so the plantains are ready.
  11. Serve the plantains with chopped parsley and sliced carrots as garnish.

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File NO: 1674
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