Cozinhando com o Loving Hut Ulaanbaatar: Peixe Vegano com Hortaliças (em mongol)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Soy Protein
Ground black pepper
1 tablespoon ground “hmeli-szuneli” (Russian vegan spice)
1 tablespoon a mushroom seasoning
Maggi soy sauce
Green bell pepper
Red bell pepper
Bok choy
Nori sheets
Potato starch
Serve with rice

  1. Soaked the soy protein until it become more tender, and then put it into a blender to finely mince.
  2. Crumble the soy protein’s fiber.
  3. Add a little bit of black pepper, 1 tablespoon or 1.5 gram of hmeli-szuneli, 1 tablespoon or 1.5 gram of mushroom seasoning, a little bit of salt and sugar, and some oil and maggi sauce.
  4. Knead it with hands to evenly mix in the spices.
  5. Add in some potato starch to bind all the ingredients, mix it well.
  6. Shape the mixture into a fish shape. This will make 2 portions.
  7. Put them into microwave and let it cook for 2-3 minutes.
  8. Meanwhile, prepare the garnish.
  9. Cut the bell pepper, white carrot and the pumpkin in julienne style.
  10. When the vegan fish is ready, wrap them in a nori sheet. Put them on a plate.
  11. To prepare the sauce, heat the pan and add some oil to it.
  12. Stir fry the sliced pepper first, and then the white carrot and the pumpkin.
  13. Add some water.
  14. Add some mushroom flavor and salt.
  15. Let it boil.
  16. Add some potato starch mixture to make the sauce thicken.
  17. Pour the sauce onto the vegan fish, arrange the vegetable on top of the vegan fish.
  18. The vegan fish is ready.
  19. Serve it with rice.

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File NO: 1611
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