Fry’s Vegetarian: Compassionately Convenient,from Our Kitchen to Yours    Parte 2   
Parte 1
Parte 2
Everywhere that we bring Fry’s to the public it seems to find great success and as a result the company has grown and grown. And you drove in here this morning and you’ve seen our factory is much bigger than what it used to be, and its still too small because the whole world is really wanting Fry’s right now.

You know the vegetarian people and the non-vegetarian people are wanting to get their hands on a Fry’s product.

HOST: Welcome, brilliant viewers, and thank you for joining us today on Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living. Today, from South Africa, we have the pleasure of speaking with Wally and Tammy of Fry’s Vegetarian, one of the world’s most recognizable lines of vegan food products.

For a visual sample of Fry’s Vegetarian products and more information on vegetarianism,

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