Macarrão Linguine com Molho Alfredo Vegano de Castanha de Caju (em russo)      

(Para todos os ingredientes, por favor use versões orgânicas se possível)

Macarrão Linguinecom Molho Alfredo Vegano de Castanha de Caju
4–5 xícaras de brócolis
3 xícaras de castanhas de caju cruas moídas
250 gramas de creme vegano de queijo (marca Tofutti)
2 colheres de sopa de especiarias italianas
2–3 salsichas veganas
2 dentes de alho
2 colheres de sopa de suco de limão
Sal a gosto
Pimenta-do-reino moída a gosto
2–3 colheres de sopa de azeite de oliva ou outro óleo vegetal

  1. Boil the linguini.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce.
  3. Cut the vegan sausages into small pieces.
  4. Add the vegetable oil, heat it, and then fry the vegan sausages a little bit.
  5. Add in the broccoli. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes. It has to be crunchy.
  6. Put the broccoli into a bowl.
  7. Add a little bit of water in the pan.
  8. Add in the ground cashews. Mix everything well. The cashew should not be roasted.
  9. When it start to thicken when boiled, add some more water, and mix again so there are no lumps.
  10. Add in the garlic and the vegan cream cheese. Mix everything well. Let it boil.
  11. Add in the lemon juice, some salt and black pepper to taste.
  12. Add in the vegan sausages and the broccoli.
  13. Mix everything well. The sauce is ready.
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File NO: 1379
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