Behind the Scenes: Green Gratitude Dinner and Dance in Chicago, USA      

Parsley Dust
  1. Take the tops of the parsley, de-stem it, and then chop it up really fine.
  2. Strain the parsley and squeeze all the juice out of it, and it will be like a fine dust that will be sprinkled as like a garnish on the actual meal.
Infused Water:
  1. Take out the water from young Thai coconuts.
  2. Take some orange pieces with a clove stuck in them, some cinnamon sticks, and some lemon slices.
  3. Put the coconut water and the orange, lemon, and cinnamon in a jar and fill it full with filtered water.
  4. The infused water is ready.
Portobello Fillet
  1. Remove the gills from the portobello mushrooms.
  2. Slice the mushrooms in half and then slice them again into two half, like slivers.
  3. Marinate the mushrooms in a rosemary, orange, miso, and garlic.
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File NO: 1168
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