Gazpacho: Refreshing Cucumber Tomato Soup for the Summer (In French)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

4 tomatoes, peeled and diced small
1½ cucumber, peeled and diced small
1 orange bell pepper, seed and core removed, diced
1 red bell pepper, seed and core removed, diced
1 green bell pepper, seed and core removed, diced
some cilantro, stem removed and cut small
1 lemon, cut half and seed removed
Sea salt
Olive oil

1. Put tomatoes into blender, switch on, then pour the juice into a bowl
2. Put cucumber into blender, switch on, then add the juice to the bowl
3. Mix them well, they become the gazpacho
4. Put the gazpacho into fridge for several hours, or just add some ice cubes
5. When it is cold enough, squeeze half lemon into, add pepper and salt and mix them well

Serving: Take some of the gazpacho into a serving bowl, add some peppers of each color, cilantro leaves, olive oil or more lemon to taste, and enjoy...

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