Chef Diogo Ramos Presents Tofu Veggie Moqueca (Traditional Brazilian Seafood Stew) (In Portuguese)      
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
Cayenne chili pepper
Sunflower oil
4 tablespoon palm oil
150 grams tofu
200 ml coconut milk
5 cups tomato sauce

1. Cut the bell peppers into small pieces(around 5mm*60mm)
2. Chop coriander(optional) very finely
3. Chop chili pepper finely
4. Cut tofu into large cubes. each piece into 9

5. Pour some edible oil and saute bell pepper until they glow.
6. Then put in onion, stir well.
7. Add palm oil and coconut milk. Boil for a while
8. When in starts bubbling add the tomato sauce
9. When it's totally cooked without the white color, add very little chili pepper
10. Add wakame kelp and stir. Cook for 20 mins.
11. Put in tofu and coriander, wait 5mins tosaturate both
12. Serve with cooked rice.


<tomato sauce>
1. Base - Boil the tomatoes, peel the skin, dice it and blend it and strain it. Always peel the skin for sauce.
2. Cook 1. with onion and nutmeg.

Always clean the kitchen board and knife with water. Diego cleans with alcohol

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File NO: 909
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