Making a Veggie Skewer "Porcupine" for Mom (In French)      
Black olives
Romaine lettuce leaves
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 green pepper
1 avocado
1 cucumber
Cherry tomatoes
Vinaigrette of choice
1 tofu patty (fried)
1 vegan weinerwurst

  1. Cut the avocado lenghtwise to remove the pit.
  2. Cut the other ingredients into cubes.
  3. Cut a slice of pepper and remove the seeds.
  4. Remove the pits from the olives, and then cut it into half.
  5. Cut the tofu and the vegan wienerwurst into cubes.
  6. Cut the mushrooms in half, and then in half again.
  7. Arrange the cubes vegetables onto the skewers.
  8. Put the sauce into a little pot.
  9. Cut the lettuce as a little bed for the “porcupine” and spread it around.
  10. Put the avocado on top of the lettuce leave.
  11. Decorate it with the vegetable skewers.
  12. Ready to be served.

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File NO: 967
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