Traditional Batswana Tribe Meal: Sorghum, Spinach, Vegan Sausage,and Chakalaka (In Setswana)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan sausage
Soy sauce
Ground black pepper
Sunflower oil

  1. Boil some water.
  2. Add in the spinach.
  3. Add in a bit of salt, black pepper, and soy sauce. Stir it a little bit.
  4. Boil some water in another pot, add in the sorghum. Stir it. Let it cooked for about 15-20 minutes.
  5. While waiting for the spinach and the sorghum, let’s prepare the sausage and the gravy (chakalaka).
  6. Pour a bit of sunflower oil. Add in the vegan sausage and a bit of salt.
  7. Fry it quite well.
  8. Warm up the chakalaka for 2-3 minutes.
  9. Served the sorghum, the spinach and the vegan sausage with some chakalaka.
  10. Ready to be served.

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