Decadently Raw Confections: Making Chocolate Pecan Turtles with Megan McMurray      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
½ 1 pound fresh dates
¼ cup lucuma powder
2 tablespoons fresh vanilla beans
1 pound pecans
2 cups raw cacao butter
1 cup raw cacao powder
½ cup clear agave*
* Megan recommends the Ultimate Superfoods brand for these ingredients

  1. Put the dates in the food processor.
  2. Put in the lukuma powder and the fresh vanilla beans on top of the dates.
  3. Blend them all up so they’ll become date paste, which are going to be the caramel.
  4. Take a bit of the paste onto the teflex sheet or anything that won’t stick with the dates.
  5. Keep wetting your hands every once and a while so that the paste don’t stick to your fingers.
  6. Roll the paste into a little ball so that it will be easier to work with later.
  7. Squish the ball a little bit with your fingers.
  8. Take a pecan and then press them into the bottom of the paste. Place another 3 pecans into the bottom of the paste. This will be like the little legs of a turtle.
  9. Put the “turtles” into the fridge for about an hour so that they can get a little bit more solid.
  10. Meanwhile let’s make the raw chocolate.
  11. Take the raw cacao butter.
  12. Melt them. There are two ways: do it in a double boiler by putting hot water in a bowl underneath it and letting it melt, or just put it in the dehydrator.
  13. Take the cacao powder, put it into a sifter, that way no chunks get in it. And just sift it through, so that it’s airy and light.
  14. Mix the cacao powder and the melted butter.
  15. Add in the agave syrup. Keep stirring and taste it. If you like sweet, add more agave, if you like it bitter add more cacao powder.
  16. Take the “turtles” out of the fridge and put the raw chocolate on the top of the “turtles”.
  17. Do it quick because the chocolate does get solid pretty quick.
  18. Put the “turtles” back in the fridge again for about 15 minutes.
  19. The raw vegan chocolate pecan turtles is ready to be served.

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