Bekombofone (milho assado e bolo de amendoim) camaronês (em Douala)      
Ground corn flour
Peanut paste
Scotch bonnet pepper
Maggi seasoning cube
Banana leaf to wrap

  1. Lightly roasted the ground corn and the peanuts.
  2. Put the peanut paste in a bowl.
  3. Add in the roasted corn to the peanut paste.
  4. Add in some salt, some Maggi Seasoning cube, and some water. Stir.
  5. Grin the pepper, some onion, and some ginger together.
  6. Add in the grinded items to the mixture and then stir.
  7. Take the banana leaf and then put the entire paste mixture in the leaf.
  8. Wrap and tie it with a string and the put it in a pot with some water. Let it cook for about 1 hour.
  9. After 1 hour, take it out of the pot and untie the string and l it into little pieces for serving.

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