Chefe gourmet vegana Patricia Ganswind cria uma super torta crua de mousse de chocolate      
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available
½ cup hemp seeds
½ cup almonds, soaked for 6 hours
½ cup coconut, shredded
1/8 teaspoon stevia

Chocolate Mousse
1 cup pitted dates,
soaked in water
¼ teaspoon stevia
2 avocados
½ cup raw cocoa powder
2 tablespoons maca
2 tablespoons lucuma
2 tablespoons mesquite

1 tablespoon hemp seeds
1 tablespoon goji berries
1 tablespoon cocoa nibs

  1. Soak the nuts previously for about 6 hours in water and then drain the water and give it a wash.
  2. Put the nut in the food processor.
  3. Add in the shredded coconut and the stevia.
  4. Process everything until they become a bit sticky, and then pour it and use hand to spread it evenly. After that, just press it.
Chocolate Mousse
  1. Take the avocado, take out the pit, peel the skin, and then put it into the food processor.
  2. Add in the dates that have been soaked for about 1 hour.
  3. Add in the cacao powder and the stevia.
  4. Add in the maca, the lucuma, and the mesquite.
  5. Turn on the food processor and then pour out onto the crust.
  6. Spread the chocolate mousse all over the crust.
  1. Sprinkle some hemp seeds.
  2. Sprinkle some goji berries.
  3. Sprinkle some cocoa nibs.

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File NO: 957
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