Sweet Raw Delicacies of Dates and Nuts (In Persian)      
500 grams dates
250 grams walnuts (or any nuts like peanuts)
250 grams almonds (or any nuts like peanuts)
Sesame (optional)
100 grams coconut powder
Cardamom powder

1. Take the pits of the dates out.
2. Grind the dates.
3. Add the walnuts and grind them with the dates.
4. Add the almonds and coconuts. Can also add cinamon or cardamom powder or saffron, pistachio powder, peanuts etc for decoration.
5. Making shape- can put something like whole almond or pistachio in the middle.
6. Shape the mixture from 4, make the shape round, cube or oval anything you want.
7. Roll them in decorative ingredients like shredded almonds, cinamon powder, shredded other nuts or etc.


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