Sopa de macarrão vegetariano indonésio Bakso (em Indonésio)      
Vegan bakso (meatball)
Fried tofu
Celery leaves
Fried red onion
Ground pepper
Dried ground red chili
Sweet soy sauce
Tomato ketchup
Cooking oil

1. Cook the noodles in boiling water.
2. After they're cooked and soften, take them out and turn off the stove.
3. Put in fresh water into the pot, turn on the stove.
4. After water has boiled, put in spices; 1tsp salt, 1tsp sugar, vegetarian bakso and cook them.
5. While waiting 4. to get cooked, cut the fired tofu.
6. Put the noodles in a pretty bowl for serving. Put tofu on top of it.
7. to 6, spread out the celery leaves, add pre-fried red onion, ketchup and sweet soy sauce.
8. Add the cooked veggie bakso beautifully,and then the broth.

Enjoy the heavenly meal!

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File NO: 893
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