Salada Tropical Brasileira (Em português)      
  • Onions, diced
  • Vegetable oil
  • Ground cashew nuts
  • Curry powder
  • Strained orange juice
  • White rice
  • Apricot
  • Raisins
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Oranges, diced
  • Parsley
  • Roasted almonds

Brazil produces all sorts of tropical fruits. The use of Brazilian tropical fruits in cooking adds exotic flavors to this delightful cuisine.

Cooking Instructions

(1) Dice onions. Peel and dice orange into bite size.

(2) Sauté the onion until it is tinged golden.

(3) Add ground cashew nuts, curry power and rice. Sweeten it with orange juice. Continue adding apricot, raisins and diced orange. Season it with salts and pepper to taste.
(4) Decorate the salad with roasted almond and it’s ready to be served.

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