Polish Kopytka (Potato Dumplings) (In Polish)      


  • 2 large potatoes
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1 jar of tomato sauce (or bread crumbs toasted in margarine)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt

Polish Kopytka in Poland is a traditional and simple dish for lunch or dinner, and is served hot.

Cooking Instructions

(1) Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

(2) Cook potatoes cubes into boiling water for 15-20 minutes or until they are tender. Drain the water and set it aside until potatoes cool off.

(3) Mash potatoes and mix them with flour and salts.

(4) Flour a flat working surface. Knead the mixture of potatoes until flour is not visible, the consistency of the dough is uniform and surface of the dough is smooth. (Watch video for tips.)

(5) Make the dough into long rolls and cut diagonally into smaller pieces of 1 1/2 to 2 cm thick, which is called kopytka (little hooves) in polish because of its shape.

(6) Cook kopytka in boiling water. Add salts and stir it to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pot. The kopytka flows up to the surface when it is ready. Drain it and ready to be served.

Serve polish kopytka with your favorite spaghetti sauce, tossed salad and steamed vegetables, which makes it a complete and delicious meal. Another way of serving polish kopytka is cover it with bread crumbs and toast in margarine.

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