A Yummy Vegan Meal: Sausage Rolls,Stuffed Potatoes, & Banana Split      


Vegan Sausage Rolls

  • Vegan sausages (1 pack of 12 – makes 24 sausage rolls)
  • Puff pastry (4 sheets)
  • Rice milk for basting
  • Serve with tomato sauce or other sauce of your choice.
  • Baking paper to stop sausage rollsfrom sticking to tray.

Stuffed Potatoes

  • Vegan ham (2 cups diced into 1cm cubes)
  • 1 ½ cups Vegan cheese for stuffing mix
  • 1 ½ cups Vegan cheese for topping the potatoes
  • 2 cups Peas
  • 9 medium size Potatoes suitable for stuffing
  • Pinch black cracked pepper
  • 1 ½ teaspoons curry powder
  • Pinch salt
  • Garnish with chopped Parsley

Banana Split

  • Vegan ice cream (2 scoops per serve)
  • Bananas (1 per serve)
  • Vegan dark chocolate (1/4 cup per serve)
  • Strawberry topping (to taste)
  • Sprinkles (teaspoon per serve)

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