  • 150g all-purpose flour
  • 140g vegetable dehydrated butter
  • 35g powdered sugar
  • 70g water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 220g cake flour
  • 1 fresh taro (600g)
  • 100g white granulate sugar

Making the outer layer pastry:
  1. Mix the all-purpose flour, powdered sugar, water, salt, and 55g dehydrated butter thoroughly, knead the dough until it becomes smooth and soft.
  2. Leave it in a bowl and put a lid on it and then let it sit for 30 minutes.
  3. Then divide the dough into 10 portions.
Making the inner layer pastry:
  1. Mix the 220g cake flour and 85g dehydrated butter well, and divide it into 10 portions.
Making the taro filling:
  1. Steam the peeled and well-cut taro cubes, mash it and mix with 100g white granulate sugar.
Making the taro cake:
  1. Roll the outer layer pastry flat, wrap the inner layer pastry and then roll it up from the bottom and repeat this twice.
  2. After that, cut it into two portions, put the side of cutting on the kitchen surface, press it with the palm, roll it outward to flat, then wrap up the filling of taro cake of 30g in it.
  3. Preheat the oven at 180oC for 10 minutes, then put the taro pastries into the oven and bake for 20 minutes.
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