Receitas para excelência atlética com a campeã de ciclocross Christine Vardaros e a premiada atriz Tonya Kay      

(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Tonya Kay’s Aloe Mimosa
5 – 6 oranges Fresh aloe vera leaves
Homemade Raw Energy Bars
100 grams chopped walnuts
100 grams dates
2 tablespoons dried cherries
1 tablespoon coconut
Pinch nutmeg

Directions (to make aloe mimosa):
  1. Start with juicing 6 oranges
  2. Cut the aloe vera leaves skin away then cut it into bars
  3. Put 2 cubes of aloe vera into the blender
  4. Put in oranges juice into the blender
  5. Blend them
  6. Ready to drink
Directions (to make raw vegan power bars):
  1. Put 100 grams of chopped walnuts in the bowl
  2. Add a pinch of nutmeg
  3. Add a tablespoon of coconut
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of dried cherries
  5. Put 100 grams of dates in the microwave for 15 seconds
  6. Mash it into paste
  7. Put it in the bowl
  8. Stir it with hand
  9. Once it’s mixed, put it in the container that already lined with bake paper and smush it into the bottom (you can also just take a little bit of coconut oil and spread it on the bottom)
  10. Once you press it down nicely into your container, then you take it, you put into the refrigerator for minimum 2 hours t
  11. then take it out and Cut it into bars
  12. Ready to be served

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File NO: 1831
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