Cozinhando com Pedras Quentes: Khorkhog Vegano Mongol (em mongol)      

(Para todos os ingredientes, por favor usem as versões orgânicas se disponíveis)

(4 porções)

500 gramas de proteína de soja temperada
250 gramas de cenoura
100 gramas de cebola
5 gramas de alho
50 gramas de tempero de cogumelo
2 a 3 folhas de louro
6 a 8 pimentas-pretas (moídas)
30 gramas de sal
20 gramas de vinagre
200 gramas de óleo vegetal
100 gramas de brócolis
50 gramas de couve-flor
100 gramas de pepino em conserva

Directions (to make khorkhog):

  1. Put the stones into the fire first (these stones from the river are very smooth ones)
  2. Take a pot
  3. Taking the stones from the fire put them directly into the pot
  4. Pour 2 liters of water into the pot
  5. Add spiced soy protein, onions, garlic, and brown mushroom
  6. Add the cauliflower, preserved cucumber, broccoli, potato, carrots, bell pepper, and spinach
  7. Add mushroom seasoning
  8. Add bay leaf, and black peppercorns
  9. Add salt, and vinegar
  10. Add some oil
  11. Close the lid
  12. Put it on the fire about 20–25 minutes (generally, there is no need to put it on the fire. As for now, our stones did not get hot enough, so we can put the pot over an open fire a short time)
  13. Letting the steam out every 5 minutes, little by little
  14. Take out the stone from the pot
  15. Ready to serve
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File NO: 1387
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