Tofu com Tomate e Abobrinha Calorosamente Temperado pela Mamãe      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
½ organic red onion
3 small zucchinis
1 medium tomato
½ block extra firm tofu (approximately 175 grams)
2 tablespoons safflower vegetable oil (or canola oil)
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
½ teaspoon garam masala
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
Handful of cilantro for garnish
Served with roti, naan bread, pita bread, rice – whatever you like!

1. Chop the red onion roughly, and put it in a bowl.
2. Roughly chop the zucchinis, put it in a bowl.
3. Heat up the oil.
4. Put in the cumin seeds and let it roast a little bit.
5. Put in the chopped onion and stir up a bit, let it cooked until they become a bit soft and tender.
6. Put in the zucchini in the pan, mix a little bit.
7. Put in the turmeric powder and the salt.
8. Cover the pan, and let the zucchini cook for about 5 minutes, stir occasionally.
9. Put in the chopped tofu. Mix well.
10. Put in the chopped tomato.
11. Put in the garam masala.
12. Throw in the chopped cilantro.
13. Served with roti, naan bread, pita bread, rice – whatever you like!

Mango pickles, or chutney, or any kind of pickles.
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File NO: 1191
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