Musubi havaiano de presunto vegano: um prato favorito dos ilhéus (em Inglês)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
2 cups cooked Japanese short grain rice
(or any short grain rice)
Vegan square ham
Nori sheets
Furikake seasoning (rice seasoning with sesame seeds, salt, sugar, and seaweed flakes)
1 tablespoon olive oil
Teriyaki seasoning
½ cup of shoyu (or soy sauce)
½ cup non-alcoholic mirin
(or apple cider or rice vinegar)
2 tablespoons sugar

  1. Take the nori sheet, and cut it into the size of the mould.
  2. Make sure, the shiny side of the nori sheet is on the outside.
  3. Fry the vegan ham about 1 or 2 minutes on each side until they are golden and brown.
  4. Prepare the teriyaki sauce by mixing half a cup of shoyu or soy sauce, with half a cup of mirin. And then add about 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  5. When the vegan ham is nice and golden brown, add 2 tablespoons of the teriyaki sauce to it.
  6. Spread the teriyaki sauce evenly.
  7. Turn off the heat. Take out the ham.
  8. Start arranging the vegan ham musubi together by putting the nori sheet on a board. Make sure the shiny side is facing the board.
  9. Position the mould in the middle, and start adding the rice into the mould.
  10. Push down on it gently until the rice is nice and moulded.
  11. Remove the handle from the top, and add a thin layer of the Furikake seasoning to the top of the rice.
  12. Add the ham on top.
  13. Use the handle again to kind of compress the ham and rice together.
  14. Remove the mould, and fold it, very similar, when making a sushi.
  15. To help stick the seaweed together, use water or a little rice to stick it together.
  16. The vegan ham musubi is ready.
  17. Another way to make the musubi is by putting the seaweed sheet from the top, inside the mould. Kind of U shape. And then add the rice, and the Furikake seasoning. And then add a vegan ham slice. And overlap the seaweed sheet on top of each other.
  18. And gently press down so it is nice and compressed.Then remove the same way: press on the handle with one hand and use the other hand to remove it.

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