Os Templos Damanhur da Humanidade na Itália (em Italiano)   

Greetings and welcome to The World Around Us on Supreme Master Television.

Today our show takes us on a fabulous underground journey into the Damanhur Temples of Humankind. Nestled in the foothills of Italy’s Northern Italian Alps, the temples represent a modern day wonder that pay tribute to the divine in each one of us.

The subterranean works of art in the Temples of Damanhur are the creations of a small spiritual community, Damanhur, with a grand vision.

Damanhur is a society of those sharing the same ethical and spiritual values. They were once awarded by the United Nations as a model for a sustainable future.

The Damanhurians have their own constitution. It reads: “Citizens are brothers and sisters who help one another through reciprocal trust, respect, clarity, acceptance, solidarity and continuous inner transformation.”

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