Sobre Nós
Unidade global: juntos para salvar vidas - Parte 1/8 03 de outubro de 2009, Hong Kong   
Parte 1 Play with windows media ( 93 MB )
Parte 2 Play with windows media ( 97 MB )
Parte 3 Play with windows media ( 129 MB )
Parte 4 Play with windows media ( 109 MB )

You are watching Words of Wisdom Rebroadcast of Live Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai“Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives” Hong Kong – October 3, 2009

As the countdown continues, with a little more than 1,000 days left to save our planet from global warming, members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in Hong Kong organized a climate change conference to inspire the public to join hands to save our planet.

Held on Saturday, October 3, the gathering featured lectures by prominent scientists and other speakers from China, Hong Kong, and Formosa (Taiwan), as well as representatives of government, media, and non-profit organizations.

Eminent guests in attendance included Dr. Wu Enboa Vice President of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute; Rev. Fung Chi Wood of the Hong Kong Anglican Church, and Ms. Judy Chen, Chairman of the Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Foundation.

The talks reviewed current evidence of global warming as well as the swine flu pandemic, and proposed solutions. Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted the invitation as the honored guest and graciously lent her presence to respond to questions from the audience via videoconference. Her thoughts deeply reflected the event’s theme “Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives.”

We now invite you to join us for  the 8-part series rebroadcast of the videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai entitled “Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives,” held on October 3, 2009 in Hong Kong.

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