55 billion animals slaughtered worldwide last year -News 12 Mar 2008  
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55 billion animals slaughtered worldwide last year

UK vegetarian group VIVA urges top scientist to consider livestock effects in his food crisis warning. VIVA has asked chief British scientific advisor John Beddington to take into account the effect the livestock industry has on the environment and food production. VIVA cited a study from Reading University stating that if Britain were to go vegan, it would require 50% less farmland than is currently being used. Many thanks, VIVA, for your diligent efforts to help people understand how going veg can help us feed the world and restore the environment. May your dedication be met with boundless compassionate success.

French study warns of risks of downplaying role of methane in climate change

French scientists remind the international community to include methane in climate change calculations. A recent study published in the March edition of La Recherche warns politicians that methane and other greenhouse gases besides CO2 must be considered when crafting climate change policies. The climate and energy experts who wrote the study say that controlling methane emissions from such sources as coal extraction, landfills and livestock could have a huge positive effect. Thank you, French researchers, for your sound advice to include the potent methane gas as part of the climate change equation. Through adopting such life-sustaining practices as a plant-based diet, recycling and renewable energy use, we pray that emissions of all greenhouse gases will be rapidly reduced in the very near future. For more information about methane gas and global warming, be sure to tune in to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home, for Supreme Master Television’s interview with Rice University associate professor of Earth Science, Dr. Gerald Dickens.

Solar water heating an untapped resource

Solar water heaters are an easy and effective way to start going green. Solar water heaters could account for 25% of emissions reductions required of Britain over the next 40 years, according to a new report using government figures. The paper indicates that solar water heaters could reduce the energy British homeowners used to heat water by 60 to 70%, saving them over €300 annually. The report further stated that if solar heaters are commonly used, 3.5 million tons of carbon would be saved from being released into the atmosphere each year. What wonderful news! We pray that the government of Britain, and other countries around the world, will make it easy for people to buy and install solar hot water heaters for the cooling of our life-giving planet.

Leather and environment

Leather alternatives eliminate animal suffering. Synthetic leather manufacturers like Alternativeoutfitters.com point out that leather is not merely a byproduct of animal agriculture. Many skins come from Asia where deer, horses and other animals are used to make the products. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, leather tanneries are also ranked top polluters. Fashionable alternatives such as Pleather, Durabuck and NuSuede now offer us many leather alternatives. Kudos creators and retailers of humane leather substitutes. We thank you for making available so many options that provide ecologically sound and durable, cruelty-free fashions.
Petrol price rises and penalties for gas-guzzlers as Chancellor Alistair Darling goes green

Climate change is now central to UK economic policy. Britain’s Chancellor Alistair Darling has announced Britain’s new ‘green policy,’ which includes an increase of gasoline prices along with tax penalties for high-emission cars and tax incentives for eco-friendly vehicle options. To further demonstrate his government’s true eco-minded focus, the Chancellor has said that the United Kingdom’s first five-year carbon budget will be published next year alongside the main budget. A big thank you, Chancellor Darling and United Kingdom, for your far-sighted government policies that could help the recovery of our planet. May our precious Mother Earth be graced with the love and attention she needs to continue to be a giving home for our children.
UN looks east for unused land in face of rising food prices

London conference seeks to open new lands for agriculture. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization are working together to forestall a global food shortage by boosting agricultural production in the former Soviet Union. The conference comes in response to last month’s warning that the UN World Food Program could not afford to purchase food aid for millions of people due to rising food prices. It is hoped that Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine will be able to meet the growing demand by increasing agricultural productivity. Our gratitude, London conference participants, for your efforts to find ways to feed those in need throughout the world. May all Heaven bless all people with plentiful nutritious food.
British Government Pulls Plug On Bottled Water

UK government meetings will no longer serve bottled water. United Kingdom Cabinet Secretary Gus O’Donnell has ordered all government departments to discontinue the distribution of bottled water during government meetings. The new “Tap Water Only” measure will be implemented this summer. Secretary O’Donnell stated, “The government is committed to sustainable operations,” and continued, saying, “Today’s announcement is a small part of a much bigger program of action in this area.” Well done, United Kingdom! May God bless all with similar care and determination to engage only in Earth-sustainable practices.
Fraser Institute Makes New Book on Understanding Climate Change Available to Teachers and Schools

Organization distributes climate change booklet to Canadian schools. Independent research organization The Fraser Institute, has distributed a self-published booklet, “Understanding Climate Change,” to more than 15,000 Canadian teachers and students. Fraser Institute Director of Student Programs, Ms. Vanessa Schneider, stated “This book… provides readers with a basic understanding of how scientists measure and study the climate, along with an outline of what climate scientists know for certain and what remains relatively unknown.” The booklet is designed to be easy to understand and can be read by people of any age. It is free to download from http://www.fraserinstitute.org/ Our respectful appreciation, Fraser Institute, for your initiative in sharing information that brings the issue of climate change to the forefront of education. May the students of Canada further inspire their parents and other leaders toward the quick action needed to preserve our ecosphere for future generations.
RP, others hurting as rice price skyrockets

Rice prices soar. At the end of February this year, rice reached US$500 per ton in Thailand. A year ago, the price of rice was US$325 per ton. The rise is consistent with price increases for all grains as climate change and demand for biofuels sends commodity prices rapidly elevating. Andrew Speedy, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s Vietnam representative said: “It’s a global issue. All cereal prices are going up. This is quite serious. It’s hurting everybody, especially the poor.” We pray that food resources can be distributed so that all have easy access to basic food staples. With God’s grace and mercy, may we find the ways to mitigate the effects of global warming, and live in a world of abundance.

Painted solar cells can generate more renewable power

UK Researchers develop photovoltaic paint. Dr. Dave Worsley and his research team at Swansea University are working to develop ‘painted on’ solar cells. Photovoltaic paint would be used to paint steel sheets that are commonly used on large buildings, which would convert gigantic surfaces into solar cells. Dr. Worsley stated that 4,500 gigawatts, the equivalent of about 50 wind farms, could be produced from the 100 million square meters of steel cladding that are manufactured annually, if they were treated with photovoltaic materialhttp://suprememastertv.tv We eagerly look forward to hearing more on your encouraging work, Dr. Worsley and team. May we develop more green technologies quickly to help us reverse the effects of global warming.
Fish exodus looms - Climate change could drive away species from Jamaica

Climate change could drive fish from Caribbean. In particular the parrot fish, tuna and dolphins, could be forced to leave the Caribbean Sea if waters continue to warm. Dr. Kenrick Leslie, executive director of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre in Belize said: “The coral reefs at this time are at the upper limits at which they can stay alive if no action is taken to increase the ability to withstand higher temperatures. That has negative feedback because reefs provide the habitats for all of our marine life, so if you destroy the reefs, the fish will migrate.” We deeply appreciate this call to act immediately to protect the eco-diversity of the Caribbean Sea. May we be graced with the wisdom to halt global warming now, and save the intertwined eco-systems of our precious oceans.

How to build a house for £4,000

Scottish man builds eco-friendly home for US$8,000. Steve James’ house stands as testimony to what can be accomplished on a small budget. Over 4 years, and with 10 months of labor, Mr. James built a green home from straw bales and salvaged material. The house also collects its water from rain, uses turf for a roof, and obtains its electricity from a car battery. A big thank you, Mr. James, for your example of ingenuity, conservation and practicality! We pray that many others are able to likewise build their own unique, green homes. 

Indians gather to save the planet

Native Americans assemble in Mexico to ask for Mother Earth's forgiveness. Early Monday, Indian groups from Mexico, Canada, and America assembled in Palenque, Mexico to seek Mother Earth's forgiveness for humankind's pollution of the planet. Raymond Sensmeier, the leader of the Tlingits in Alaska stated, "Our Mother Earth is being polluted at an alarming rate, and our elders say that she is dying… The way the weather is around the world http://suprememastertv.tv. a cleansing is needed." Activities of the gathering included sounding of the conch shell in the four cardinal directions, chants in Lacandon Maya, and sharing of traditional Indian wisdom on stewardship of the planet. Indian peoples of North America, we join you in prayers for Mother Earth's forgiveness on humankind's behalf. May we heed the ancient wisdom of our ancestors to better care for our precious planetary abode.
Seal cubs threatened by global warming, WWF warns

Newborns seals in danger as Arctic ice melts. Unusually thin and melting ice in the Arctic is endangering the lives of newborn seal cubs as global warming takes its toll. Normally, new born seals spend the first weeks of their lives in ice burrows until they gain sufficient layers of fat. When the ice melts too soon, the cubs end up in the cold water without adequate protection and are unable to survive. The World Wildlife Fund, who issued the alert, says that many of the 1500 cubs born in the last two months are in danger, especially around Finland and Sweden. We pray immediate actions will be taken to save the lives of these innocent, beautiful animals. May we all be graced with uniform efforts to halt global warming and ensure the survival of our eco-sphere.

Officials, soldiers join in tree planting after snow disaster

Chinese soldiers and residents team up to plant trees. Soldiers worked side by side with the citizens of southwest Guizhou province to plant trees on Monday. Local government officials also participated in a forest recovery effort following the effects of the winter’s snow storm. Hats off all involved in replenishing China’s forests. May Heaven bless communities all across China with a verdant and ecologically balanced environment.


4-H'ers plant redwoods to fight global warming

Youth in 4-H club launch initiative to plant 1,000,000 redwood trees. Inspired by the climate change film “An Inconvenient Truth,” 4-H member Laura Webber plans to rally all 90,000 4-H clubs in the US to plant a total of 1,000,000 redwood trees to offset global warming. The Arbor Day Foundation is working with the 4-H organization to provide 12 saplings along with a membership to 4-H for only US$12. Redwoods are ideal because they grow very quickly ? up to 3 feet per year. To learn more about the program, please visit: www.4hmilliontrees.org You are truly a shining example, Laura Webber! May people all around the world be inspired by your optimism and quick action to do all they can to save our glorious planet.
Legislators to announce ‘Green Jobs Alliance’

Green Jobs Alliance formed in Rhode Island. State legislators have announced the formation of a new organization called the "Green Jobs Alliance," representing a coalition of environmentalists, lawmakers, labor groups, and poverty elimination advocates. The new alliance will focus on the creation of new jobs that specifically enhance the environment and further develop the state’s green economy. Prominent participants include the Rhode Island labor union organization AFL-CIO, international environmental group Sierra Club, Clean Water Action and the Rhode Island Student Climate Coalition. We salute you, Rhode Island! Our best wishes for the success of Green Jobs Alliance in helping create employment that benefits our life-sustaining biosphere.
Green-friendly houses that pay to own them

Utah constructor builds zero-energy houses. Aaron Needham of Needham Homes and Development in Utah, USA is partnering with the US Department of Energy sponsored program ‘Building America’ to construct zero-energy homes. Mr. Needham uses eco-conscious construction methods, which make possible an up to 70% decrease in utility costs for the home owners. In addition, a portion of the electricity used in the house is produced from wind and solar energy. These houses are eligible for renewable energy credits as well as federal and state tax reductions. Your comprehensive and innovative home-building techniques are greatly appreciated, Mr. Needham. May many people find these green homes as good investments for themselves and the planet.