Poucos sobreviventes do encalhe de baleia em massa na Austrália - 24 Jan 2009  
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Poucos sobreviventes do encalhe de baleia em massa na Austrália.

Baleias encalhadas
na Tasmânia, Austrália.
De um original de
45 cachalotes encontradas
misteriosamente na praia
na costa sul da
Tasmânia, 43 não
foram capazes de sobreviver.
Salva-vidas estavam
tentando manter vivo
os 2 sobreviventes,
por hidratar
sua pele seca enquanto
esperavam a próxima maré
alta para ajudar a conduzi-las
de volta para o mar.

A causa do
encalhamento é desconhecida
Comentando no
predicamento das baleias
vindo nas praias,
porta-voz dos Serviços de
Animais Selvagens e
Parques da Tasmânia
disse, “É muito mais difícil
neles quando eles encalham
pois o grande peso
dos seus corpos
coloca mais pressão
nos órgãos internos.”
Estamos profundamente
tristes na perda desses
belos coabitantes
Nossas orações pela
sobrevivência e jornadas
bem sucedidas dos outros
em alcançarem seus
destinos planejados.
Que a glória original deles
seja retomada e sustentada
através do maior respeito
da humanidade por toda vida.

Suprema Mestra Ching Hai
declarou a membros
da nossa Associação
durante um Seminário
Internacional em Agosto
de 2008 o seguinte sobre
a importância de
um ecossistema equilibrado
para os seres marinhos:

Suprema Mestra Ching Hai:

Tantas baleias
e golfinhos, eles chegam
na margem e morrem.
Há tantas
zonas mortas no oceano.
Está sufocando eles,
então eles têm que
nadar para fora da água
onde está cheio de
gás venenoso
que está sendo libertado!
Eles não agüentam,
ele não conseguem respirar.
Então eles têm que
sair dele.
Para eles, vida é na água,
mas se a água estiver
cheia de veneno,
é claro que irão sair.
Mas quando eles saem,
eles morrem, também,
eles não têm água.

Eles ficam no oceano,
eles morrem,
se saírem, eles morrem.
Não há escolha para eles.
Este é o pior de toda
crueldade, que
as pessoas não tomam
cuidado do ambiente
e deixam todos os seres
continuarem morrendo assim.
Só seja vegetariano,
quão difícil pode ser?
Até golfinhos têm
que nadar fora do oceano,
porque eles acham que
podem sobreviver, até
arriscando suas vidas.
Então por que não mudamos
para a dieta vegetariana?

Few survivors from mass whale stranding in Australia

Whales stranded on Tasmania, Australia. Of an original 45 sperm whales found mysteriously beached on the southern coast of Tasmania, 38 were not able to survive. Rescuers are trying to keep alive the 7 survivors, which include young whales, by watering their drying skin while awaiting the next high tide to help lead them back out to sea.

The cause of the stranding is unknown. Commenting on the beached whales’ predicament, Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Services spokeswoman Liz Wren said, "It's much harder on them when they strand because the great weight of their bodies puts more pressure on their internal organs." We are deeply saddened at the loss of these beautiful migratory co-inhabitants. Our prayers for the survival and successful journeys of the others in reaching their intended destinations. May their original glory be renewed and upheld through humanity’s higher regard for all life.

Supreme Master Ching Hai had stated to our Association members during an International Seminar in August 2008 the following about the importance of a balanced ecosystem for marine beings:

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So many whales and dolphins, they wash up ashore and die. There are so many dead zones in the ocean. It’s suffocating them, so they have to swim out of the water where it’s full of the poisonous gas that has been released! They cannot bear it, they cannot breathe. So they have to get out of it. For them, life is in the water, but if water is full of poison, of course they come out. But when they come out, they die, too. Because they have no water.

They stay in the ocean, they die; they came out, they die. There is no choice for them. This is the worst of all cruelty, that the people don’t take care of the environment. And let all beings keep dying like this. Just to be vegetarian, how difficult can it be? Even the dolphins have to swim out of the ocean; because they think like that they can survive, even risking their lives. So why not we can just can change to vegetarian diet?

World leaders meet to discuss renewable energy
Abu Dhabi embraces a green future. At the 2nd annual World Future Energy Summit this week as part of its green MASDAR initiative, Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates hosted over 10,000 participants from around the world for discussions of sustainable energy solutions and developments in addressing climate change. This year’s conference also presented the first annual Zayed Future Energy Prize to Bangladeshi Dipal Chandra Barua for his work in bringing solar energy to rural communities as well as developing other green technologies.

Mr. Barua was awarded a US$1.5 million prize by His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi after being selected by Dr. Rajendra Pachauri who acts as the Chairman of the jury for the Zayed Future Energy Prize. We are most delighted to hear of Abu Dhabi’s continued commitment to the environment, and send our congratulations to Mr. Barua for his deserved recognition. Allah bless your summit with an outcome of inspired action from all participants for the harmonious balance of our ecosphere.

Shelby announces world's fastest electric car
Shelby SuperCars to produce the world’s fastest electric car. After recently releasing the world’s fastest production car, US-based Shelby SuperCars (SSC) announced that the company is going to launch an electric version later this year called the Ultimate Aero EV. This one-of-a-kind vehicle is designed with a unique Nanotechnology Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery pack that can be fully charged in 10 minutes through a standard 110 volt outlet. Thereafter, the car can run for 200 miles before needing another charge. SSC describes the Ultimate Aero EV as a “pollution-free, engineering marvel with an exotic supercar exterior." Such new green concepts and inventions never cease to amaze! With innovations such as the Ultimate Aero EV, we can move forward into brighter tomorrows with style and sustainability.

Global warming videoconference to be held in Mongolia
Global warming videoconference to be held in Mongolia. The event entitled “International Global Warming Conference: Life-Saving Solutions” will be held on Tuesday, January 27, at the Central Palace of Culture in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. The conference, organized by our Association members in Mongolia, will feature lectures by some of the country’s most distinguished scientists. Supreme Master Ching Hai has been invited as the special guest of honor.

She graciously accepted the invitation and will be offering her insights on issues of the cause and ways to address climate change, including in the case of Mongolia. There will also be a book release ceremony for the new Mongolian and Russian versions of “The Birds in My Life,” the #1 international bestselling book written by Supreme Master Ching Hai. The event will conclude with a “Save the Mother Earth” concert showcasing live music performances by talented Mongolian artists. The global warming international conference, including the music concert will be covered live on Mongolian national television on Channel TV9, and on radio at FM 105.5 to the Ulaanbaatar city area.

Supreme Master Television’s live broadcast of “International Global Warming Conference: Life-Saving Solutions” will begin at 3 pm Mongolian time, or 8 am Central European Time on Tuesday, January 27. We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for agreeing to share most valuable insights and messages with us at this time. May this meeting be a fruitful one that inspires effective vital actions to save our planet. This conference will also be re-broadcast on Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom at a later date with multi-language subtitles.