Human consumption of salmon and lobster triggers marine imbalances - 30 Dec 2009  
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Human consumption of salmon and lobster triggers marine imbalances.
Studies conducted by the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) off the coast of Tasmania have revealed that lobster fishing results in increased populations of spiny sea urchins. These species then overgraze kelp beds, causing areas known as sea urchin barrens, which triggers further biodiversity loss and disrupts important rocky reef ecosystems.

Moreover, the scientists found the farmed salmon fishing also has a severe impact on marine life, with as much as four kilograms of wild fish being killed to produce one kilogram of Tasmanian salmon. In addition, nearly 18 tons of antibiotics were fed to these farmed fish from 2006-2008 due to their susceptibility to disease because of extremely confined conditions, with as many as 50,000 to a pen.

With temperatures of coastal waters in eastern Tasmania rising four times faster than the global average, the researchers warn that human-induced stressors such as lobster and salmon fishing increase the tolls and reduce the ecosystems’ capacity to adapt. What’s more, the farming of salmon generates vast amounts of toxic waste that are now polluting the once-pristine Tasmanian environment.

Our gratefulness, Australian Marine Conservation Society scientists for these findings. May all people quickly heed the urgency of this information and switch to wholesome vegan lifestyles for the conservation of precious marine life.

During a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke, as on previous occasions, about the marine biodiversity loss that is mainly caused by fish consumption.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Balanced marine ecosystems are extremely important, as more than two-thirds of the planet is covered by oceans. They provide half of the world’s oxygen and play a major part in regulating the global climate. To disturb the balance of the seas, thus, ultimately places our own lives in danger.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  What we are seeing from these fish and marine life are signs of distress.
stop eating the flesh; stop killing for food; stop eating the fish.

We should be looking for ways to help the fish, to protect them and all the marine life from the devastating effects of climate change. Once we start thinking in this way, we are in a better position for ourselves, for the fish and for the planet.

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