Former Miss World Irish celebrity promotes veg solution in campaign with Supreme Master Television - 22 Jan 2010  
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Former Miss World Irish celebrity promotes veg solution in campaign with Supreme Master Television.
With time running out to save the planet from irreversible climate change, a new public service announcement campaign has been launched throughout the Republic of Ireland, promoting veganism as global warming’s most effective solution. Irish top veg model and Miss World 2003 Ms. Rosanna Davison collaborated with
Supreme Master Television to produce the series of video as well as print advertisements.

Ms. Davison, daughter of the world famous Irish singer-songwriter Chris de Burgh, reveals the secret to her picture perfect image of radiant health.

Rosanna Davison (F): Hi I'm Rosanna Davison and I'm a vegetarian. I get all the nutrition I need from a plant-based diet. According to the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Report, 80% of the cost of climate change can be avoided if we adopt a plant-based animal free diet. With the world in financial turmoil, this is a great way to save your hard earned money and also benefit the environment.

VOICE: A vegetarian since childhood and up to the time of filming, Ms. Davison became a vegan through working with Supreme Master Television and learning about the harmful effects of meat production and consumption in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, health, and care for all beings.

Rosanna Davison (F): Yumm... Veggie chicken! Cruelty-free, a whole lot better for your health, easy to cook, and it tastes amazing!

VOICE: The announcements appear on the major television channels TV3 and 3E airing on the Sky TV network in Ireland. Their print counterparts appear on five large posters around Dublin, in every carriage of the Luas, the capital’s light rail tram system, and on the buses of Ireland’s four largest cities, Dublin, Cork, Limerick, and Galway.

Rosanna Davison (F): To learn more about the healthy, compassionate vegetarian diet, Supreme Master Television, SKY channel 835.

VOICE: You are beautiful inside and out, Rosanna! Our kudos and thanks for the noble choices you’ve made in being vegan and encouraging others to do the same. May the heroic people of Ireland and beyond join the loving veg trend to save the planet.

Trees absorb less carbon as climate warms.
A new study by the University of Colorado at Boulder in the USA indicates that forests actually soak up less CO2 in longer, warmer growing seasons. Contrary to what was previously understood, this new research shows that decreased snowpack associated with climate change causes a corresponding decrease
in CO2 absorption by sub-alpine forests.

In analyzing the water content of the stems and needles of trees, the researchers found that even as late as September and October, 60% of the moisture contained in the trees could be traced back to spring snowmelt.
As noted by evolutionary biology professor Russell Monson, “Snow is much more effective than rain in delivering water to these forests.

If a warmer climate brings more rain, this won't offset the carbon uptake potential being lost due to declining snowpacks.” Professor Monson and fellow University of Colorado at Boulder scientists, many thanks for these detailed findings about the intricacies of water and carbon absorption in the forests.

Let us act now to preserve the delicate balance of life on our planet. Supreme Master Ching Hai has long emphasized the need for prayer and compassionate living to overcome the dangerous impacts of global warming, as in this August 2009 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Even living forests, alive forests, if the atmosphere is too hot, the forests also cannot absorb CO2 and they could even release CO2 themselves as well.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We just need to be patient, and praying a lot, praying a lot to all the gods and goddesses, all the divine beings, all the angels, to manifest themselves physically onto this planet and help each and every citizen of the world to awaken to a compassionate lifestyle so that they can escape from this planetary climate change.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:There’s only one escape route that I have told you already Be Veg. That’s the path to go, then maybe we still can have time.

Extra News
London’s Lord Mayor Boris Johnson announces plans for a plastic-bag free city by the 2012 Olympics through encouraging supermarkets to charge for the bags and urging shoppers toward reusable versions in an effort to reduce greenhouse gases and waste.

On Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, an international team of scientists discover that a new species of cricket pollinates orchids, a surprising ability that helps the tropical flowers to flourish.

US Department of Agriculture plant physiologist Lewis Ziska states that although carbon dioxide from climate change stimulates plant growth, it is already leading to decreased protein quantities in foods because the CO2 converts to carbohydrates such as starch.

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) expresses hope for an internationally binding agreement to emerge from the 2010 UN Climate Change Conference to be held in Mexico City, Mexico.