Ocean acidity rates could lead to mass extinction. - 27 Feb 2010  
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Ocean acidity rates could lead to mass extinction.
A study led by Dr. Andy Ridgwell of the United Kingdom’s University of Bristol examined ocean sediment to determine how levels of acid have changed throughout history. Its findings revealed that ocean acidity is increasing ten times faster today than 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs became extinct, due to
currently rising levels of atmospheric CO2.

With excessive acidification causing the carbonate shells of certain marine organisms to dissolve along with muscle wasting and dwarfism in other species, Dr. Ridgwell said that the rate of today’s acidification is threatening the basis of all marine life.

Dr. Ridgwell and University of Bristol associates, our sincere thanks for bringing to light this important information that highlights our need to act now. May we humans deeply realize that our daily choices affect our future on the planet.

During a March 2009 videoconference in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai once again emphasized the importance of protecting the oceans’ delicate balance, on which ultimately our own lives depend.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: There’s another condition called acidification where the lack of certain fish has contributed to higher ocean acidity which, in turn, reduces the capacity of the ocean to absorb CO2.

And the ocean is a very complex ecosystem where every living thing has a unique function. So, removing even a small fish for humans to eat creates an imbalance in the sea. In fact, we are already seeing an effect of this imbalance on marine mammals.

As the ocean becomes warmer and warmer and more acidic, more toxins are present in the water.

Anything God puts on Earth is for a purpose. We should not kill anything. We should not eat anything except plant-based diet.


“Eden on Earth” art exhibition opens in Formosa (Taiwan).
Art communities in Formosa’s thriving cultural town of Lukang have united for a unique expo, as members of the Lu Chiang Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting Association; Wen Kai Poetry Association, and Love Ocean Creative Company display their imaginatively expressed support for shielding the Earth from climate change.

Titled “Eden on Earth – Protect Our Home with Love,” the exhibition’s February 28th opening ceremony is taking place in the presence of government dignitaries from Changhua County and Lukang Township, and coincides with the Lunar New Year Lantern Festival.

The Formosan artists have presented original verses in calligraphic form, which were inspired
by the planet-saving messages of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

(Reciting poem in Formosan Hokkien) Huang Bao-zhen – Lu Chiang Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Association (F): Reduce carbon, save energy, save the planet. Everyone is obliged to do their part.

Shi Yao-kun – President of Lu Chiang Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting Association (M): In this cultural exhibition, we tried to express the ideas of being veg, going green, and stopping global warming through our own art forms. All of our topics originated from the poems written by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Guo Shu-li – Wen Kai Poetry Association (F):
Her idea of “Be veg, going green, save the planet!” is an endeavor of great compassion that touches our hearts deeply.

VOICE: By invitation of the widely respected Lu Chiang Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting Association, the exhibit also features a visual arts component containing some of the moving photographs personally taken by Supreme Master Ching Hai for The Noble Wilds, a #1 international bestselling book.

Huang Bao-zhen – Lu Chiang Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Association (F): I feel that Master is advocating respect for all lives, so that all life forms, including humans, could live together in peace and joy.
This is one main point that we eagerly support.

(Reciting rest of poem in Formosan Hokkien) Huang Bao-zhen – Lu Chiang Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Association (F): Eating more veg and less meat is in compliance with Heaven. Blessings and wisdom will also increase.

VOICE: The “Eden on Earth – Protect Our Home with Love” art exhibition is open to the public free of charge through March 14 at the Fuxing Granary in Lukang, Formosa.

What an appealing way to advocate the preservation of the planet and our co-inhabitants! We appreciate all the caring artists involved in this endeavor, and also thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for sharing her own ideals and artistic creations as an encouragement for the world.

May this event’s graceful art forms help to show that cherishing all life is the vital way to realize Eden on Earth.

Extra News
Climate change scientists affirm that despite recent record cold weather in some parts of the world, average global temperatures continue to increase.

Normally acclimated to winter conditions, record snow and frigid temperatures in Sweden have caused train delays and cancellations as ice build-up damages sensitive equipment and prevents movement on the tracks.

Residents ofa small indigenous Eskimo village in Alaska, USA are among some of the nation’s first climate change refugees as melting permafrost has caused their town to collapse and forced a move into military-constructed buildings.
Geology expert Dr. Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton University in the USA states that the effects of global warming are already upon us as he advises cities like Sydney,
Australia to prepare now for sea level rises and heat wave-related loss of life.