Study reveals climate change effects in northeastern USA.- 30 Apr 2010  
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Study reveals climate change effects in northeastern USA.
An analysis of 60 years of data from more than 200 weather stations in the US states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont found a predominance of extreme precipitation events, which are defined as storms that produced at least 1 inch of rain or its water equivalent in snow over a 24-hour period.

Researchers from the US-based organization Clean Air-Cool Planet and University of New Hampshire's Carbon Solutions New England stated that average annual precipitation also increased nearly three-quarters of an inch per decade over the 60-year period.

Although the storms and flooding in March that caused extensive damage throughout the northeastern states were not counted in the study findings, scientists say that these could easily be considered part of the global warming effect, with more in store if climate change continues.

Many thanks Clean Air-Cool Planet and University of New Hampshire’s Carbon Solutions New England for this revealing research. Let us swiftly adopt more sustaining lifestyles to stabilize the environment and preserve our precious Earth.

During a November 2009 videoconference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai also addressed the increased threats induced by global warming while highlighting the most effective solution.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Some of the global warming effects that we hear about are a continued rise in the Earth’s atmospheric temperature, warming of the ocean, along with acidification, more frequent and stronger storms, prolonged droughts and intensified heat waves, soil desertification, plant and animal extinctions, and even melting of permafrost, which could trigger massive releases of more methane gas! That would be catastrophic beyond an unthinkable scale.  

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The rising intensity and frequency of storms comes from the warming of the ocean which changes weather patterns. Climate change is not an abstract concept at all. It is here and now, affecting our neighbors, affecting us, and more and more.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  Researchers in the US came up with a simple comparison. According to calculations they performed, they concluded that eating a vegan diet for a year is more effective at cooling the planet than driving a hybrid vehicle for the same period of time.

So, the solution is very simple. We just have to turn away from the animal products. We stop eating meat, dairy, eggs, fish. If everyone does this, we will have a transformed world in no time.

“Avatar” film stars and celebrities urge students to be eco heroes.
In Los Angeles, California, USA, Canadian director James Cameron of “Avatar,” the Oscar-winning film with an environmental message, recently announced the launch of the Avatar Home Tree Initiative, which seeks in 2010 to plant a million native trees in countries around the world.

Joining him in support were cast members of “Avatar” including Michelle Rodriguez, Giovanni Ribisi, and Joel Moore, as well as other eco-advocate celebrities such as 4-time US National Basketball Association champion John Salley and international communication coach Richard Greene.

Many of these renowned personalities also gave inspirational speeches to the 6,000 Los Angeles area students who attended an “Avatar”-inspired Eco Warrior Training program to learn about ways that everyone can help save the planet.

James Cameron – Director of Oscar-winning film Avatar (M): I think the important thing about “Avatar” is it takes place on another planet, and it’s a fantasy, but we’re doing that to our planet right now, for real.

VOICE: Referring to the highly popular movie’s depiction of a beautiful forest and its indigenous residents all threatened by deforestation, the celebrities emphasized that a plant-based diet is important in stopping Earth’s own similar environmental crisis.

Michelle Rodriquez – Actress in Oscar-winning film Avatar (F): They cut down these trees now to provide space for cows. This is why the grand majority of the issue in the rainforests is occurring.

VOICE: The attending youths, who were served eco-friendly organic vegetarian lunches, were further encouraged by vegan basketball star John Salley toward awareness of the benefits of a plant-based diet.

John Salley – 4-time US National Basketball Association champion, Vegan (M): Do you know what happened today? Because you ate that meal? Check out what happens every year: 56 billion land animals, not including fish, are killed, for 3.7 billion people, so we can have leather sneakers, leather in your car, eat bad food, have animal protein that doesn’t digest in your system, causes diabetes. But today, you saved an animal’s life.

Richard Greene – international communication coach (M): Alright! Woo!

John Salley – 4-time US National Basketball Association champion, Vegan (M): If it’s off a tree, out of the ground, you should eat it. If it has a heartbeat, or had a heartbeat or mother, I think you should let it go to its mama. About two years ago, I decided not to eat anything from an animal. No, milk, no cheese, no eggs. And I lost 40 pounds. I decided, from that point on, I was going to do everything possible, to make sure my avatar looked as beautiful as the Creator wanted it to look. Think about this: this is the only body you have.
The most important thing you do, is nourish your organs and nourish your body.

VOICE: Also attending the event were Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, both urging concern for the environment and our co-inhabitants.

Daryl Hannah – Hollywood actress, Splash, Vegan (F): I would encourage all of you to do every thing you can to support all the people, and all the creatures, and all the life forms of all kinds to give them your voice, lay your body on the line and do whatever it takes to give them the support that they need.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Los Angeles, California, USA (M): We all have a responsibility to our community, to our environment, to the connection between protecting the environment,and human welfare, and respect for all species, including all of our animals.

VOICE: We appreciate Mayor Villaraigosa, James Cameron, John Salley, Michelle Rodriguez, Daryl Hannah and others involved for being role models for youth and the world in the movement to save our precious Earth. With such shining examples as yours, may eco heroes everywhere be veg, go green, and save the planet.

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