King crabs migrate to the Antarctic due to climate change - 20 Sep 2011  
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King crabs migrate to the Antarctic due to climate change.
A new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B by researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in the USA has found that King crabs have been moving constantly in response to underwater temperature increases, driving them toward the previously uninhabitable Antarctic.

Unfortunately, the arrival of these marine animals has disrupted their new ecosystems, creating imbalance in other organisms there.

With the new crab population estimated at 1.6 million in the Antarctic's Palmer Deep Basin alone, researcher and oceanography Professor Craig Smith of the University of Hawaii at Manoa stated, “It looks like a pretty negative consequence of climate warming in the Antarctic.”

Professor Smith and colleagues, we appreciate your work in revealing the dire effects of climate change on even the most remote marine ecosystems. May we act in unison to reverse this damaging process and restore lives of balance for ourselves and all fellow beings.

During a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, as Supreme Master Ching Hai described how to explain global warming to young people, she mentioned the loss of precious animals and their habitats due to climate change as she suggested a way for everyone to be able to halt it.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: You can show how the migrating birds have to fly farther and farther to find a place to nest, and the polar bears swim longer and longer now because there is no more ice until sometimes they drown of exhaustion, or why the neighboring country has so many floods in recent years, so many disasters, etc.

Tell them how climate change is affecting real lives, real animals, real people, and their own lives as well. But it’s also important to show the young people that there is still hope; we can still save the planet.

It’s a chance to be true heroes, by being vegan and spread the news of this solution.

Extra News
In a study published in the Aug 31, 2011 issue of the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, US and Swedish scientists report that the spring-run Chinook salmon is in danger of a total extinction in California, USA, due to warming of freshwater summer streams in which they are unable to survive.  

In the 13th edition of The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World, cartographers have had to remove 15% of Greenland's ice due to global warming, while adding the new Warming Island, which has appeared due to the ice retreating from accelerated temperature rise.

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