US town goes veg organic for the environment - 25 Dec 2009  
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Signal Mountain, a town in Tennessee, USA has passed a Green Food Resolution, which is intended to encourage organic food grown from local farms along with sustainable plant-based diets.
Launched by Council member Paul Hendricks, the initiative was unanimously passed by the five-member Signal Mountain Council. To attain the goals of locally produced plant-based fare, the resolution also promotes farmers’ markets, community gardens and other venues that provide more organic produce options.

The US-based organization Farm Sanctuary, which has already been campaigning for awareness of the harms of animal factory farming, is encouraging such Green Food Resolutions to be passed in various cities across the United States.

A big bravo and many thanks Signal Mountain Council members, residents and Farm Sanctuary for your support of this wise and healthy initiative. May such a sustainable veg trend extend throughout your community and across the globe.

As a long-time proponent of organic vegan agriculture, Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently explained its immense Earth-saving and other values, as during a February 2009 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I wish that all the governments in the world would encourage organic farming to save our world.If the  governments lead the way with the message that this is how to be green, and how to protect the planet, then the farmers would be happy to grow more vegan food. To spread the practice of organic farming would help in so many ways.

The benefit of organic farming for human livelihood, for human health, and for animals’ health, natural resources and protection of our planet, all these benefits we cannot even estimate all in here. Organic farming not only helps to protect the planet, it will even help to eliminate hunger. So, I just suggest organic vegan