Researchers warn of mass ocean extinction - 8 Sep 2010  
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Researchers warn of mass ocean extinction
A recent study of a unique natural laboratory created by scientists in the Mediterranean Sea has shown that the number of single-celled organisms called Foraminifera found around volcanic carbon dioxide vents near Naples, Italy, has diminished from 24 species to only four.

Scientists from the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom and the University of Santa Catarina in Brazil discovered that similar losses in many forms of marine life, especially organisms with calcium carbonate shells like Foraminifera, are linked to rising ocean acidity, which has occurred from the excessive absorption of carbon dioxide and has the effect of lowering the water’s pH levels.

Suggesting that over-acidification has been responsible for wide-scale extinctions in the past, study co-author Dr. Jason Hall-Spencer stated, “A tipping point occurs at … pH 7.8. This is the pH level predicted for the end of this century… The big concern for me is that unless we curb carbon emissions, we risk mass extinctions, degrading coastal waters and encouraging outbreaks of toxic jellyfish and algae."

Many thanks Dr. Hall-Spencer and other British and Brazilian colleagues, for reminding of our dire need to minimize greenhouse gas emissions to preserve our life-supporting oceans.

With Heaven's grace, may we accelerate effective planet-saving actions in all corners of the world. During a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai pointed out the imbalances already occurring in our marine environments, suggesting at the same time how to reverse these dangerous effects.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Balanced marine ecosystems are extremely important, as more than two-thirds of the planet is covered by oceans. They provide half of the world’s oxygen  and play a major part in regulating the global climate.

So, life on Earth truly depends very much on the ocean for survival. In addition, oceans also absorb atmospheric CO2 – carbon dioxide – which directly helps to cool our planet.

From the oceans themselves, we are seeing warming temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing acidification and terrible levels of pollution. So global warming is affecting the oceans, which in turn is affecting the fish.
This is an equally urgent situation as the one presented by livestock industry, and it has the exact same solution. Stop eating the flesh; stop killing for food; stop eating the fish. This will help restore the balance of both the ocean and land, immediately.
World Water Week begins in Sweden.
Beginning Sunday, September 5, the Stockholm International Water Institute-hosted World Water Week was launched, with a focus on the role of climate change in creating water pollution with a theme of “Responding to Global Changes: The Water Quality Challenge.”

Around 2,500 experts, politicians, public figures and business people are participating in discussions on how to address growing water scarcity and the roles of urbanization, agriculture, industry and climate change in depleting clean water supplies. Opening the forum, Stockholm International Water Institute Executive Director Anders Berntell highlighted the importance of preserving water quality as he stated that impure water causes more deaths than malaria, AIDS and wars combined.

Meanwhile, World Water Week director Jens Bergren emphasized solutions in saying, “There is really no physical water shortage in the world. It is how the water is managed that is the big problem, and that is something it is possible to change.”

Our appreciation, World Water Week participants, for your commitment and shared expertise.
Wishing the best in finding effective solutions that help ensure adequate supplies of this vital resource for people across the globe.

Extra News
Dr. Satheesh C. Shenoi, Director of India’s National Center for Ocean Information Services, warns that climate change is causing Indian Ocean temperatures to rise faster than other seas, which could adversely affect up to 35% of the global population.

Africa’s Tunisian Association of Climate Change and Sustainable Development hosts a Ramadan evening event to discuss increasing efforts toward a more equitable and binding treaty at the upcoming United Nations climate change conference to be held in Cancun, Mexico.

In Australian waterways, a combination of warming temperatures and increased nitrogen levels from fertilizer runoff, now double the upper limits of safety, has resulted in the emergence of toxic blue green algae that scientists say is potentially damaging to the kidneys and other organs.