Supreme Master Ching Hai warmly received for shared ideals of a protected Earth. - 14 Dec 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai warmly received for shared ideals of a protected Earth.
As part of the agreements reached at the two-week Conference for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Cancún, Mexico, a new Adaptation Committee has been assigned to assist developing nations in protecting from the already increasing climate impacts such as floods, droughts, and sea level rise.

A fund is also being created to support these endeavors, with a goal of applying donations of US$100 billion per year from 2010 onward. While such a unified show of care for vulnerable nations was considered a surprise to some, it was appreciated by many.

With deep concern for the effects of climate change on humanity and all beings, Supreme Master Ching Hai had accepted an invitation from the Mexican Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources to attend the climate summit in support of a harmonious concerted effort.

H. E. Dessima Williams - Permanent Rep. of Grenada to UN, Chair of Alliance of Small Island States (F): Thank you for your positive energy and your prayers.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Of course. We love your people.

H. E. Dessima Williams (F): Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  We love all the people (of the world, yes). They don't deserve this suffering.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Please save my planet. Save African people,

(Victor Ayodeji Fodeke - UNFCCC Focal Point, Nigeria (M): Yes, you know.) because they suffer too much. (Thank you.)

VOICE: While observing some of the high-level sessions, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke personally with international dignitaries, including Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States, Her Excellency Dessima Williams; Vice-chair of one of the UNFCCC Ad Hoc Working Groups, Miroslav Spasojevic from Serbia; Swiss Representative from the Federal Office of the Environment, José Romero; Advisor of Afghanistan's National Institute of Environment Protection, Abbas Basir; Cameroon's UNFCCC National Focal Point, Ambassador Joseph Armathe Amougou; and Peru's Environment Minister Dr. Antonio José Brack Egg.

Miroslav Spasojevic - Vice-chair of AWG-KP Working Group, Serbian Ministry of Mining and Energy (M): I saw you a few days ago when I told your colleague that it would be a pleasure to meet you, anywhere in the world. Thank you so much. It was really a pleasure meeting you!

Dr. Mark Wright - Conservation Science Advisor, WWF-UK (M): We've been following all your heroic ventures for many years.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Oh you have? Thank you. (Yes, it's good.) God bless you and your organization. Please continue even though it's hard. (And you. You keep up your good work.) We do.

Dr. Mark Wright - Conservation Science Advisor, WWF-UK (M): I'm delighted to meet you.

VOICE: While some, such as Chief Scientist Dr. Mark Wright of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), were already familiar with Supreme Master Ching Hai's environmental work, others wished to know more about her endeavors for a peaceful planet, such as through her support of Supreme Master Television's constructive programming.

Abbas Basir - Advisor of National Institute of Environment Protection, Afghanistan (M): What kind of program do you have?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I just want to bring your country up, so everybody can see there are real people, real culture, real history. So we have culture, music, traditional dishes, anything.

Abbas Basir (M): Afghanistan has a very, (Any good things.) very rich culture.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, yes! We can introduce forever. But we do it regularly. To bring your country up (Thank you.) to the attention.

VOICE: Supreme Master Ching Hai's thoughts on the best solutions to climate change were also introduced to many of the delegates through the newly released book, “From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way Is the Answer.”

José Romero - National Focal Point to UNFCCC, Federal Office for the Environment, Switzerland (M): I appreciate very much…

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  You have read a little bit of the book already?

José Romero (M): Yes, yes. Absolutely.  It's always very inspiring.

Dr. Antonio José Brack Egg - Minister of the Environment, Peru (M): I am the Environment Minister of Peru. My wife in Lima is a big admirer of you. She has your book and all these things. Blessing to you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  Please save my planet.

Dr. Antonio José Brack Egg (M): Yes!

Supreme Master Ching Hai:  Save my Peru.

Dr. Antonio José Brack Egg (M): We all together save the planet. (SM: I know, I know.)

VOICE: As we join the world in thanking all distinguished participants of the Climate Change Conference for their concerted efforts in Cancún, Mexico, we are also grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her genuine love and concern for nations worldwide facing the shared challenge of climate change.

Our prayers that leaders make the wisest decisions to save the planet, especially the urgent switch to the organic vegan lifestyle.

Supreme Master Ching Hai's book, “From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way Is the Answer,” is freely available to read at

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