Climate change linked to harmful water-borne diseases. - 15 Mar 2011  
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Climate change linked to harmful water-borne diseases.
Evaluating the ocean effects of factors such as rising temperature and pollutants, researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently found that adverse conditions such as those created by toxic algal blooms could be extended for up to three months in vulnerable coastal areas.

The toxic algae, which typically bloom from July to October, can accumulate in shellfish and, if consumed by humans, can cause paralysis or even death. In fact, millions of sardine recently found dead in a southern California, USA harbor were later found to have been contaminated with the paralyzing neurotoxin domoic acid that likely originated in toxic algae in the region.

In another study, scientist from the University of Georgia in the USA found that desert dust settling on seawater results in a swift and significant increase in Vibrios, a type of ocean bacteria that can cause infectious diseases in humans.

Airborne dust due to land desertification has been increasing in the last decades and is expected to continue to rise. Noting its potentially dangerous effect, study spokesperson Eric Lipp stated, “Within 24 hours of mixing weathered desert dust from Morocco with seawater samples, we saw a huge growth in Vibrios, including one strain that could cause eye, ear and open wound infections, and another strain that could cause cholera.”

As we mourn the many deaths of the precious-finned fish life, we appreciate the work of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists in highlighting this harmful climate change effect. May humanity make full use of the opportunity we now have to mitigate such conditions through our eco-conscious lifestyles.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently emphasized the hazardous implications of climate change as well as the actions needed to save humanity and the planet, as during a July 2008 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: According to the scientists, there could be more than just one disaster. Rising sea level is not the only worrying event, disease will also rise. They already do so in some parts of the world. If it has to happen, it happens. But please do not concentrate on these negative phenomena. Rather, we spend energy in constructive actions and positive thinking and we have to envision a more beautiful world.

If people change to a more benevolent lifestyle that is respecting all lives, then we will beget life and our lives be spared.  The more vegan people join the circle, the more chance we have to save the planet.,,,,

Extra News
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