Relief news update from California, USA - 14 Oct 2009  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from California, USA.
With parts of the state scorched by wildfires in August and September, evacuation orders were issued for over 10,000 households and 2,500 other buildings as a blaze ravaged the mountains of northern Los Angeles County.

On August 30, Captain Ted Hall and Firefighter Specialist Arnie Quinones lost their lives and at least three others were injured as they worked with 2,000 other crew members to control the flames.

On August 31, while conveying her sorrowful prayers and love, Supreme Master Ching Hai immediately donated US$10,000 to help the families of the two perished and the three injured firefighters, as well as any displaced persons in need.

As Supreme Master Ching Hai asks for updates, the following is our Association members’ report sent through Foreign Group.

October 9, 2009
Most compassionate Master,
Re: wildfire in CA, USA On September 24, our Association members from Los Angles presented a check of US$10,000 from Supreme Master Ching Hai to the Los Angeles County Firefighters Memorial Widows and Orphans Fund, along with gift bags that included Master’s books and SOS flyers for each family.

The presentation took place at Los Angeles Fire Department’s headquarters.
Retired Chief and Treasurer of the fund Mel Hokanson accepted the check on behalf of the families of the victimized firefighters.Thank you so much, Master, for your gracious generosity and love.
With our gratitude and love,
Los Angeles Center, USA

VOICE: The County of Los Angeles Firefighters Memorial Committee also sent Supreme Master Ching Hai a letter of appreciation. Following is an excerpt:On behalf of the County of Los Angeles Firefighters Memorial Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and express my sincere appreciation to you for your generous contribution to the Widows and Orphans Fund. It is this type of support that allows us to help in some small way the families of Captain Hall and Firefighter Specialist Quinones who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Sincerely, Melvin Hokanson Los Angeles County Fire Department(Retired Deputy Chief) Treasurer
VOICE: We are grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s permission to share this information with our concerned viewers, and to our Foreign Group for providing this report.

Our condolences for the passing of the altruistic Captain Hall and Firefighter Specialist Quinones, and our appreciation for all the firefighters who bravely risked their lives to extinguish the flames.

We are also thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her comforting support to those in need. May such tragedies be eased as more people extend their benevolence throughout our shared ecosphere.
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