A Tibetan Buddhist temple in China celebrates its reopening with vegan fare - 04 Jan 2011  
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In cultural news, a Tibetan Buddhist temple in China celebrates its reopening with vegan fare. After its rebuilding, the gorgeous Quan Yin Pavilion in the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in southwestern China welcomed the public with bright flowers, vibrant surroundings, and uplifting music played by the monks of the temple. A delectable compassionate feast was also provided to the many visitors and devotees.

(In Chinese)
SMTV correspondent (f):
The newly renovated Quan Yin Pavilion provides pure vegan food for people who come to pray for blessings. More than 1,000 people came to the vegan feast. They all commented that the pure vegan food was delicious and tasty.

(In Chinese)
Attendee (f):
I come here every year. The food prepared this year is especially delicious. It’s quite delicious, quite delicious!

(In Chinese)
Attendee (f):
This year’s food is especially tasty. This special inauguration was held in conjunction with the joyful 60th founding anniversary commemoration of the prefecture.

VOICE: Congratulations, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, on your 60th birthday and on the amazing restoration of the Quan Yin Pavilion. May your community receive Buddha’s abundant blessings as more continue to enjoy the elevating benefits of the vegan diet.

http://www.gzz.gov.cn/gzzj60/ http://windhorsetour.com/sichuan/guide/Western-Sichuan-Ganzi.html
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sichuan http://www.chinatravel.com/sichuan/ganzi/attraction/horse-race-mount/
trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/killers_pt/569

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