Dra. Judith Orloff sobre liberdade emocional - Parte 1/2   
Parte 1
Parte 2

HOST : Welcome, bright viewers, to this week’s edition of Healthy Living, featuring Dr. Judith Orloff, who will discuss intuition, constructive energy and spirituality and how they can be used to achieve physical and emotional healing.

Dr. Orloff is a board-certified psychiatrist who has been recognized by US publication Body and Soul Magazine as 『one of our nation's top doctors.』 As the newspaper USA TODAY states, 『Dr. Orloff voices the message that intuition works as a potent therapeutic force that can help us lead smarter, saner lives.』

Dr. Orloff is a member of Natural Health Magazine's Advisory Board, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA and a lecturer. She is also author of the international bestseller, 『Emotional Freedom,』 which has been made in to a public television special
in the United States and DVD entitled, 『Judith Orloff, M.D.: Emotional Freedom Now!』 Her other bestsellers include 『Positive Energy,』『Dr. Judith Orloff’s Guideto Intuitive Healing』 and 『Second Sight.』
Let’s now find out how intuition came into Dr. Orloff’s life.

Dr. Orloff (f): The way I got into it was that when I was a little girl I was raised by two physician parents and I have 25 physicians in my family, but I was a little girl who had these very strong premonitions about things.
I would predict deaths or illnesses or earthquakes, something like that, and it scared my parents so much so that they forbade me to ever mention my intuitions at home.

And so my healing path and my development has been how to integrate intuition into my life as a woman, and also in my psychiatric practice, so that I can use it in my daily life and also teach my patients and readers how to use it too.

For more details on Dr. Orloff, please visit:
Books by Dr. Orloff are available at the same website

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