Dr. Marc Katz: A saúde do seu coração e a dieta vegana   

HOST: Hallo, blessed viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television. On this week’s program we’ll explore how the vegan lifestyle can prevent and cure cardiovascular ailments and other chronic conditions.

Cardiovascular disease is known as a 『lifestyle』 disease because it is preventable. Its primary causes are smoking, lack of exercise and most importantly unhealthy dietary choices. 

According to the World Health Organization, each year an estimated 16.7 million or 29.2% of all deaths are caused by this disease.

Today we’ll meet Dr. Marc Katz, a vegan cardiothoracic surgeon and medical director of Bon Secours Heart & Vascular Institute in Richmond, Virginia, USA, who strongly believes the vegan diet is the answer to preventing and treating this deadly health condition and others.

Dr. Katz is a leading expert in the field of robotic heart surgery, specializing in mitral valve repairs, heart transplants and other cardiothoracic procedures.

He performed the first dual heart-kidney transplant in the eastern United States. At present, he is the only physician doing robotic heart surgery in Virginia. Now let’s hear from the knowledgeable Dr. Katz about one of the most common and severe health conditions of recent times.

For more information on Dr. Marc Katz,
please visit

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