VIDA SAUDÁVEL Vivendo o estilo de vida livre de crueldade   
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Living a healthy, joyful life is what we all desire. When our bodies are in balance and in optimal condition, our minds and spirits soar and our lives improve. 

Friendly viewers, on today’s Healthy Living, we’ll look at a wonderful way of life that offers these benefits and more: the cruelty-free lifestyle.

Following a cruelty-free or vegan lifestyle simply means living without inflicting pain and suffering on other beings, which extends to our food choices, as well as the cosmetics, personal care products, clothing and footwear we use.

Cruelty-free living also means avoiding activities that exploit animals such as circuses and horse races. Jessica Bailey is founder and owner of the Cruelty Free Shop in Sydney, Australia, a 100% vegan business, meaning that all its products are animal-free.

HOST:  Why is it important to refrain from animal-based products? Just like humans, animals are intelligent, sensitive beings, with countless studies showing that they have deep emotions and complex thoughts.

From tiny ants to huge, awe-inspiring whales, our fascinating co-inhabitants demonstrate exceptional cognitive and problem-solving skills, with many living intightly knit families and having loving relations with their kin and other members of their species.

These incredible beings are our brothers and sisters, who co-exist with us on this magnificent planet and have specific duties and roles in helping sustain and balance our shared ecosphere.

Thus, not consuming animal products, the cornerstone of the vegan lifestyle, is our duty and responsibility.

Jessica (f): Everyone should be vegan. There’s just no option unless you are prepared to acknowledge that you personally are responsible for animals being hideously tortured. Then you can’t not be vegan.

For more details on the Cruelty Free Shop, please visit

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