MÚSICA E POESIA *Eu sempre irei te amar *Louvada seja a Providência *Entrevistas com Bill Conti, compositor vencedor de Oscar e Emmy & soprano Giorgia Fumanti   
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And I Love You So
Vocals by Supreme Master Ching Hai
At an international gathering with our Association members, Korea (1998)
Lyrics & music by Don McLean

And I love you so...
The people ask me how
How I've lived till now
I tell them I don't know...
I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
Till life begins again
the day you took my hand
And yet I know how lonely life can be
The shadows follow me
And the night won't set me free
But I won't let evenings get me down
now that you're around me.

When divine love is found and the depth of love is experienced, the pervasive loneliness in a human’s life has come to an end. Like a dark room that is instantly brightened in the presence of light, a heart in love rejoices.
Basked in a love that is pure and unconditional, one’s spirit is set forever free. And you love me too
Your love is just for me You set my spirit free,and I'm happy that you do

And I love you so...
The people ask me how
How I've lived till now
I tell them I don't know...
I guess they understand
How lonely life has been
Till life begins again the day you took my hand

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Lista Prêmio do Mês
Listas Construtivas
Listas de Paz e Liberdade
Aforismos da Suprema Mestra Ching Hai
Prêmio Brilhante Liderança Mundial