BOAS PESSOAS, BOAS OBRAS Afghanaid - construindo um futuro melhor   
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Hallo, sweet viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works. Our program today features the magnificent country of Afghanistan and its journey toward greater prosperity, happiness and harmony.

Afghanaid, a benevolent organization founded in 1981, is playing an important role in uplifting the country by improving the lives of rural residents through programs that enhance food production, foster economic growth and enhance social welfare.

With headquarters in the country’s capital of Kabul, Afghanaid works directly with over 500,000 Afghans, and seeks to promote long-term, sustainable development in this great nation.

Afghanaid’s chairman Mr. David Page tells us more about the caring organization.

David(m): Afghanaid, though it’s a British charity, it’s a largely Afghan organization. It started in Peshawar in Pakistan, but since 2003 our head office has been in Kabul.

We have approximately 350 members of staff, the great majority of whom are Afghans. And it’s those people who are working in the provinces and doing the day to day work of helping the Afghan village communities.

For more details on Afghanaid, please visit

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