PARE COM A CRUELDADE AOS ANIMAIS Uma voz para os inocentes - Juliet Gellatley, fundadora do Viva!   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

Welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants on Supreme Master Television. On this edition of the Stop Animal Cruelty series we will speak with Juliet Gellatley, who founded the UK-based Vegetarians International Voice for Animals (Viva!)

in 1994 with the goal of creating a world where everyone enjoys a vegan, meaning animal-free, diet. In 2002 Ms. Gellatley also established a sister group, the Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation. Viva! works to inform the public about the abuse, torture and appalling killing of animals by the meat industry, including the
environmental destruction caused by its activities.

In addition, Viva! raises societal awareness of the health problems caused by a meat-based diet such as cancer and heart disease. As part of their efforts to show the reality of the meat industry, Viva! members go undercover on factory farms to document and expose the horrendously inhumane treatment of the animals and the abominable conditions in which they are forced to live. Let’s now meet with vegan heroine Juliet Gellatley.

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