Children rescued in Gabon - 23 Dec 2010  
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Children rescued in Gabon. In cooperation with an International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) initiative, police teams in the central African country of Gabon were able to remove over 140 children, some as young as six years old, from forced labor conditions. The teams performed checks at markets in Libreville, where they found children from ten different countries in a variety of roles that included carrying heavy goods. Fourty-four people were also arrested during the operation, which was being conducted as the first of its kind in the country. Speaking in appreciation of the endeavor, INTERPOL Assistant Director Jon Eyers said, “Gabon’s decision to continue this work will lead to hundreds more children being saved.”

Our heartfelt thanks, Gabon police, INTERPOL and all involved in the rescue of these innocent children. May they be reunited with loved ones for renewed lives of happiness, peace and comfort.

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