سیاره زمین : خانه محبوب ما
دنیای کربن صفر دکتر پیتر کارتر   

HOST: Hallo, concerned viewers, and welcome to this week’s Planet Earth: Our Loving Home featuring retired family physician Dr. Peter Carter from British Columbia, Canada who is the co-founding director of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, a climate policy advisor to the Canadians for Climate Action, and the co-author of the 2008 book “Homo Sapiens! Save Your Earth from Mass Extinction Due to Global Warming.”

Dr. Carter (m): As Ban Ki-moon said, we have all the resources to deal with and get over climate change. The only thing we lack, as he said, is time. We are in an emergency.

HOST: Dr. Carter, a vegetarian, was a speaker at the “Humanity’s Leap to The Golden Era” climate change conference held in Washington DC, USA on November 8, 2009 that included special guest Supreme Master Ching Hai participating by videoconference.

Dr. Carter was also a speaker at a community event entitled “Creating a Healthy Planet with a Plant-Based Diet” which was held in Victoria, Canada and today we present excerpts from his talk which covered the dangers we all face from global warming.

To begin, he addresses the conditions at the poles and in the oceans and how the global environment is giving strong warning signals that we are on the cusp of runaway climate change.

For more information on Dr Peter Carter, please visit CanadianClimateAction.wordpress.com
Dr. Carter’s book “Homo Sapiens! Save Your Earth from Mass Extinction Due to Global Warming”
is available at www.Amazon.com

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