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مصاحبه ای با متخصص مراقبت پوستی ورونیکا بابایان   

HOST: Would you like to have a vibrant, wrinkle-free, even-toned complexion? Today we’ll meet a skin care expert who believes that one secret to clear, youthful skin is a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and free of the toxins found in meat and processed foods.

Supreme Master TV (f): Welcome to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television. Today we’re going to talk with Veronika, a beauty and skin care consultant. Hi, Veronika. Can you introduce yourself?

Veronika (f): My name is Veronika. I’m an Armenian. I have been in the beauty and skin care business for almost twenty years. And for many years I worked for cosmetic and skin care companies, and I decided to open my own skin care line about 15 years ago.

HOST: To a large extent our skin’s vitality depends on our overall bodily health.

Veronika (f): I did a lot of reading and educating myself about natural extracts, and I found out it’s great to use; absolutely no chemicals in your body, including your food.

So I started to change my diet, little by little. I started to teach my boys how important it is not to use animal products. Since then we started to change our lifestyle, which is great.

The vitamins from food; it actually makes a huge difference. There's a lot of good vitamins in broccoli, green vegetables; that's why I recommend my clients to include lots of green in their food as far as vegetables.

 Vitamins A, E and C produce a lot of antioxidants for the body which helps us to get protection from the sun, because it prevents sun damage. If you have stronger antioxidants, your body would get less sun damage.  

HOST: Vitamin A, found in green, leafy vegetables and yellow vegetables such as pumpkins, sweet potatoes and carrots, helps to repair skin tissue, promotes cell reproduction, facilitates hair growth and improves eyesight.Vitamin C, found in berries, tomatoes, kale, asparagus and citrus fruits, is critical in the
production of collagen, which protects the skin from damage by free radicals caused by pollution and excessive sun exposure.

Vitamin E, a component of wheat germ, seed oils, walnuts, almonds and brown rice, is also an antioxidant that guards the skin against free radicals.

Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant found in spinach, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, tomatoes and peas.

Supreme Master TV (f):  Do you recommend different things depending on the age of the person? 

Veronika (f): All the vitamins that include antioxidants, it's great for all ages. I usually recommend people after 30 to use biotin, which is a great vitamin for the skin, hair and nails.

And they can use alpha-lipoic, which is my favorite antioxidant and vitamin C. It's the best vitamin. I also give my clients topical vitamin A for their skin to use topically, which has a beautiful result.   

I learned for many years being in this practice how to teach my clients to be healthy from inside to outside. If their diet is not a good diet, if they are not eating based on vegetables and fruits, basically their skin is not going to respond well to their you know diet.

So the main thing that I teach my clients is to eat healthy and be green; eat as much vegetables and fruit as possible.

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