گیاهخواری : روش شریف زندگی
An Afternoon in Sweden:Fresh Coffee and Coffee Cake (In Swedish)      
Stuffed Yellow Peppers
3 yellow peppers
Pre-cooked rice (white and wild rice)
Handful of basil
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ onion, chopped
½ can of tomatoes
Salt and pepper to taste.

Stuffed Red Peppers
3 red peppers
2½ cups cooked chickpeas
1 can tomatoes
1 tablespoon soy sauce
3 tablespoons tomato paste
3 tablespoons Indian curry
½ bunch of coriander
Salt and pepper to taste.

  1. Grind the almonds and set it aside.
  2. Pour in the flour into a bowl.
  3. Add in the sugar, and then the cocoa. Mix.
  4. Take the ground almonds and then pour in the water into the mixing bowl.
  5. Pour in the oil. Mix everything.
  6. Add in some vanilla sugar, a little coffee and a pinch of salt. Mix.
  7. Pour the mixture into a mold and then put into the oven at 150 degree for about half an hour to 45 minutes depending on how sticky you want it to be.
  8. Meanwhile, roast some coffee in the coffee roast pan.
  9. When most of the coffee beans are already a little brown, lower the heat.
  10. Grind the coffee finely with the grinding machine.
  11. Pour the coffee into the coffee brewer and stir carefully.
  12. Let the coffee come precisely to just a boil, not more.
  13. The coffee is ready to drink with the cake.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_per/600

File NO: 883
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