گیاهخواری : روش شریف زندگی
آشپزی بدون کارما از آیین جین: شیرینی های پرتقالی و آناناسی      
Sweet Orange Pineapple Delight
1 can (20 ounce) crushed pineapple
½ can condensed vegan soymilk
Pinch of saffron
Pinch of cardamom
1 can vegan whipping soy cream
4 pieces vegan cookies
1 box vegan buttery crackers
1 can (20 ounce) Mandarin orange segments
Almonds, sliced
Pistachios, sliced
Almond or vanilla essence

1. Drain out all the sugar water from the crushed pineapple.
2. Prepare condensed vegan soymilk.
3. Crush 5-6 vegan cookies to powder
4. Prepare some safron, some cardamom, some orange segments (if wanted some vanilla essence also)
5. Prepare some salty cracker,
6. Prepare some sliced pistachio, sliced almonds
7. Put
soymilkand strained crushed pineapple into a pan.
8. Add 3,4 and 6
9. Stir so it doesn't stick to the bottom
10. Cool it a while before serving
11. Spread on the crackers
12. Serve it with vegan whip cream, orange etc.

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_per/648

File NO: 953
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