گیاهخواری : روش شریف زندگی
Aulacese Savory Tofu Loaf Steamed in Winter Squash(In Aulacese)      
  • Winter squash
  • 400 grams fresh tofu
  • 100 grams mung beans
  • 4 wood ear fungus
  • 4 shiitake mushrooms
  • Cellophane noodles
  • Corn kernels
  • Peas
  • Onion
  • Red cabbage
  • Rice paddy herb
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable seasoning powder
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon peppercorns
  • ¼ teaspoon ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon vegan fish sauce

The tofu loaf is a very delicious and nutritious dish, and can be served for breakfast
or as an appetizer for parties. To make this tofu loaf,we need to have these ingredients:
a small winter squash, washed well.
400 grams of fresh tofu.; 300 grams when pressed dry.
100 grams of mung beans, cooked well.
some vegie liver, gizzard already stir-fried
4 wood ear fungus, steeped in water
until rehydrated, then sliced into strips.
4 shiitake mushrooms, steeped in water
until rehydrated, squeezed dry, and sliced into strips.
A bit of cellophane noodles, cut
in sections about 3 cm long.
Some corn and some peas.
1 onion cut into small cubes.
Some red cabbage sliced into strips.
A small amount of rice paddy herb.
The condiments include:
vegetable seasoning powder,
sugar, peppercorns,
ground pepper,
vegan fish sauce,
some vegan butter,
some sautéed onion.
Garnishes for presentation include:
lettuce, cilantro,
red chili pepper cut into a flower,
vegan shrimp cracker,
bread, soy sauce, chili pepper
sauce or salt and ground pepper with lemon,
and you can eat it with picked vegetables.
After we prepare all these
ingredients, what should we do as the first step?
First, we prepare a piece of string about 1 meter long,
another piece of string 10 centimeters long,and a bag.
Tie the bottom of the bag like this.
Then we fasten.
Put them aside.
Right now, we will prepare the squash.
With this squash, we can either leave the skin on or remove it.
As I am aware, if we leave the squash skin on like this, it is more nutritious I will leave the skin on.
cut like this!
Then, we set aside this part.
The remaining part, we use a knife to remove the insides.
When we take out the insides and seeds, the squash will look like so!
We put them aside.
Next, we will grind the tofu that we've pressed dry.
We have to grind this tofu until it becomes smooth and soft, and it collects into a block like this.
Now, we put it into a bowl.
We’re done grinding the tofu, now we’ll fire up the stove to boil the water.
When the water is boiling we put everything in.
Now we add the condiments:
2 tablespoons teaspoons of vegetable seasoning powder,
2 teaspoons of sugar,
1 teaspoon of peppercorns,
¼ teaspoon of ground pepper,
1 tablespoon of vegan fish sauce,
and 2 teaspoons of sautéed onion.
We mix everything thoroughly,
so the seasonings are well absorbed.
Then next, we put in all
the remaining ingredients:
mung beans, liver, gizzard,wood ear fungus, shiitake mushrooms,
cellophane noodles, corn,peas, the onion
that has been cut into cubes,and carrots.
Remember to put this rice paddy herb in.
If we’re missing the rice paddy herb,
The tofu loaf will not have the unique taste without the rice paddy herb.
We continue to knead.
After we mix them,we divide them into 2 parts:
We roll one part into balls like this.
Why do we have to divide them into 2 parts?
We divide into 2 parts so that later we will use the other part to create a mock pumpkin.
We put the remaining into the squash we have prepared before.
We put the filling into the squash.
We press the filling in like this;
do not fill it too full. If it is too full,
the filling will overflow during steaming and not look so nice.
Then we cover with the top of the squash,using toothpicks to pin the top and the bottom of the squash;
set it aside.
The bag that we have prepared before,we put the filling in here, align it well, and we press down firmly.
Use the shorter string
to tie the top of the bag firmly.
And we fasten also.
We cut.
We use the remaining string to
section this bag of tofu
into many segments,
and tighten lightly to form a pumpkin shape.
First, we divide into two halves
like this,fasten lightly,
divide into four parts, upside down, fasten lightly,
divide into sixes,upside down, fasten lightly,
and finally, we divide into eights,
upside down, fasten lightly, and then tie it firmly.
It’s rather unique!.
After we tie it,they look just like a pumpkin!
Now the water is boiling,
we put everything in to steam.
We put the tofu loaf in.
How long do we have to steam?
It depends, if the squash is small,
we steam it about 25 minutes.
If it’s big like this,
we can steam it together with the tofu loaf,
the time for the tofu loaf to be well-cooked,
firm, and delicious is 45 minutes.
If we use the microwave oven,then the time
If we use a microwave oven
then the time is about 7 to 10
minutes for it to be well-cooked.
Now, I will set the timer for 45 minutes.
We present the dish of vegetables.
We put in the cilantro.
The presentation of this vegetable dish is very beautiful!
The timer is beeping, which means the tofu loaf is well-cooked
Now we take it out and turn off the stove.
We wait a little bit for it to cool,
then we cut the string and spread a thin layer of vegan butter.
Now the sausage has cooled enough,
we cut the string and discard the outside bag.
We brush on vegan butter.
After we spread a thin layer of the vegan butter onto the tofu loaf, the glossiness makes it look very nice.
Now we put this dish on top of the big vegetable dish that
we have prepared before, put in this chili made to look like a flower.
trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_per/428

File NO: 621,
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